The General Membership meeting of the Sun City West Rock ‘n Roll Dance Club was called to order by the President, Debbie Gould, on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at 5:15 p.m., at the Palm Ridge Summit Hall, before the scheduled dance. A quorum of at least 25 members was present for this meeting.
Officers in attendance were: Debbie Gould, President; Michelle Owen, Vice President; and Bridget Beck, Co-Treasurer. Absent were: Linda Mathern, Secretary, and Laura Gannon, Co-Treasurer.
The President asked for a motion to approve prior minutes to begin the meeting. George Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 18th meeting. MaryAnne Kennedy seconded the motion, and the meeting proceeded.
Co-Treasurer, Bridget Beck, gave a brief Treasurer’s Report. She stated that the current membership is 126, which is a drop since 2023. We reached our highest membership in the summer of 2023 with 250 members. For 2024, we are averaging 50-70 members per dance, with our highest at 82, and our lowest at 44. The Club money pays for the DJ twice a month, and food and decorations for our themed events. This year, we raised our annual membership dues from $7 to $10.
The President informed the members that our current DJ, Keith, has been pivotal in running ads for us through our own SCW Radio Station. Keith had worked for the radio station prior, so his experience enables him to promote the Club for those who may not know it exists. He has been advertising our special events over the past few months.
The President asked for ideas from members to get the word out to more SCW residents about our Club. Discussion followed about advertising in the Rec Center newsletter, The Independent Newspaper, as well as having Club flyers available in PORA for new, incoming residents of SCW. The Vice-President took flyers to PORA the beginning of April for this purpose. So far, it’s been hit-and-miss in getting our monthly advertisements printed, although it is being sent monthly. The President stated that flyers were available at every dance giving the schedule of upcoming events. This information is also available on our website, and on our Facebook page, SCW Rock ‘n Roll Dance Club. She also emails members twice a month about the upcoming dances.
Members suggested that a bigger supply of the flyers being sent to PORA be made available at the dances so members could take them with them to pass out to friends to activate more members. A larger amount will be available at the next dance, May 4. The President encouraged everyone to visit the Facebook site and post dance pictures and comments to encourage better dance participation. It was a consensus that the members are happy with the club, the events, potlucks, DJ Keith, and want to continue on in the current path.
The President said we will continue with our fun-themed dances throughout the rest of the year, as consensus of members enjoyed the current themed dances and potlucks. They also appreciate DJ Keith. She thanked the officers and members for being in attendance and expressed appreciation of everyone’s support and input. She encouraged comments and suggestions from members to continue. She reminded everyone that with member support and participation, we can continue toward a successful Club.
The President called for the meeting to be adjourned at 5:50 p.m. so that the scheduled dance could begin for the evening.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Mathern, Secretary